Battle: | Battle of Dunbar, at Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland on 03 Sep 1650 |
Ship/Arrival: | The ketch UNITY – Late Dec 1650 – Massachusetts Bay Colony |
Prisoner and List: | John Magoon, #48 on George S. Stewart’s Captured at Dunbar list |
Name Variations: | Magoon, Magoun, Mcgown, Makoon, MacGoun, MacGown, Maggone, Magune, Maggoone,Magoone, Magone |
Residences: | Hingham, Scituate and Pembroke in Plymouth County, Massachusetts |
Other SPOW Associations: | Robert Dunbar and Purdie/Purthe McFarland |
Published: 03 Dec 2014; Updated: 03 Oct 2020
Researchers: Andrew Millard, Teresa Rust, Magoon Group of Descendants
Editor: Teresa Rust
1. JOHN¹ MAGOON, “a Scotchman”1, was born in Scotland about 1625 and died at Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts in 1708/9, about age 83 years. SEE: John Magoon Arrival Date 18 Sep 2020 PDF by Dr. Andrew Millard. John’s will is dated 20 May 1697 and his probate is dated 27 Jun 1712 which also names his wife as, REBECCA (_____).2 John’s will is dated 20 May 1697 and his probate is dated 27 Jun 1712 which also names his wife as, REBECCA (_____).3 He married at Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts on 07 Nov 1662, REBECCA (_____). “MAGOON, John (-1709) & Rebecca [HOBART] (1637-); 7 Nov 1662; Hingham/Scituate/Pembroke {Hingham 3:48; Smith-Bryant 38; Bridgewater 375; Reg. 19:221, 89:178; Magoun Supp. 1; Tingley-Meyers 218}” The brackets around her surname show that there is still uncertainty as to her parentage. (( New England Marriages to 1700. Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2008. Originally published as: New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. John “Married in Rev. Peter HOBART ministry” NOTE: Only the name “John Magoon” is listed in the marriage record under the Rev. Hobart Ministry record which seems odd if she was indeed the niece of Peter Hobart. ((Hingham, MA: Vital Records, 1637-1845.
REBECCA (_____), wife of John Magoon from 1662 to 1697:
1. Rebecca (_____) married at Hingham, Suffolk County, Massachusetts on 07 Nov 1662.
2. She is suggested as possibly being a Rebecca HOBART in Torrey’s New England Marriages to 1700.
3. Her name is not listed in the marriage record under the ministry of Rev. Peter Hobart.
4. In his will of 20 May 1697, proved 27 June 1712, names w. Rebecca.
5. Baptized at Hingham in December 1637.
6. Died in 1709?
Biographical Notes:
1. There is speculation that John may be related to other SPOWs Henry Magoon and/or William McGowan, but this is not proven. The records show that Henry Magoon and family went to New Hampshire while John Magoon’s family went from Hingham to Scituate to Pembroke and then some lines went to Connecticut, and then back to Massachusetts.
2. John bought a tract of upland in Scituate on 20 Mar 1672.4
3. His will of 20 May 1697 was prorated 27 June 1712.5
4. “He lived in “the Two mile.” He had also a considerable tract of land on the west side of North river, near Hugh’s cross, and Cornet’s pond. His children, John born 1668, Elias 1673, Isaac 1675. This family have descendants in Marshfield and Pembroke.”6 The Two Mile Farm.
5. “JOHN, a Scotchman, was an early resident of Hing. The chris. name of his w., whom he m. Nov. 7, 1662, was Rebecca. John removed with his fam. ab. 1666, to Scit., where he was a freeholder. In 1673, he was one of those who received a portion of the common land. In his will of 20 May, 1697, proved 27 June, 1712, names w. Rebecca, four sons and one dau. His son, Elias, married Purde MacVarlo’s daughter, Hannah.” [Purdie MacFarland is a possible SPOW]7
6. Black, George Fraser, 1866-1948. The Surnames of Scotland, Their Origin Meaning and History, (New York : New York Public Library & Readex Books, 1962), First published in 1946. Page 505.: MacGowan, MacGoun, MacGown, MacGoune in Scotland.
7. According to, Christopher Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard, Richard Annis, and Anwen Caffell, in, Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650, (England: Oxbow Books, 2018), on page 251, John is categorized as: Probable [that he is a Dunbar prisoner transported on the Unity] Magoon/Magoun, John. Residences: Hingham, Scituate MA. Appears: 1662. D.1709. [Exiles; DR; SPOWS; Ch.8] For explanations of the category, abbreviations and references see List of Dunbar prisoners from Lost Lives, New Voices.
8. Approved as an inhabitant 1673 at Scituate.8
1625: was born in Scotland about 1625
1650: Unity arrives in Massachusetts Bay Colony in late December
1662: Married Rebecca [Hobart] in Hingham, Suffolk County, Massachusetts on 07 November.
1663: Daughter born at Hingham on 11 October.
1665: Daughter born at Hingham on 09 April.
1666: Son James born at Hingham on 25 June.
1666: Maybe after son James is born John removed with his family to Scituate, where he was a freeholder.
1668: Son John was born at Scituate.
1673: Son Elias was born at Scituate.
1673: he was one of those who received a portion of the common land.
1675: Son Isaac was born at Scituate.
1697: Will written on 20 May.
1712: Will is proved. 27 June

2. i. A Daughter MAGOON, b. at Hingham on 11 Oct 1663.
2. ii. Daughter MAGOON, b. at Hingham on 9 Apr 1665; died in 12 days/25th same month.9
2. iii. JAMES² MAGOON, (John¹), b. at Hingham on 25 June 166610; died about 1705.5
2. iv. JOHN² MAGOON, (John¹), b. at Scituate in 166811 and baptised/christened at Scituate on 18 Jul 166912; d. at Pembroke in 1739; m. at Scituate in 1703, HANNAH TURNER, daughter of DANIEL and HANNAH (RANDALL) TURNER. ((
2. v. HANNAH² MAGOON, (John¹), was baptised at Scituate on 23 Jul 167113; m. LOVELL.52. vi. ELIAS² MAGOON, (John¹), b. at Scituate* on 17 Aug 16735; d. at Pembroke in 1727; m., first, HANNAH MACKFARLIN, d. of, PURDIE MACFARLAND, a possible SPOW7 ; m., second, at Scituate in 1711, RUTH OLDHAM.
2. vii. ISAAC² MAGOON*, (John¹), b. at Scituate in Aug 1675.5,14
Second Generation
2. i. A Daughter MAGOON, b. at Hingham on 11 Oct 1663.
2. ii. A Child MAGOON, b. 9 Apr 1665; died in 12 days.
2. iii. JAMES² MAGOON, (John¹), was born at Hingham on 25 Jun 166615,5 and died about 1705. He married, at Duxbury by 1697, SARAH FORD. She married, second, in 1710, STEPHEN BRYANT. [See Torreys image below]; died about 1705.5
Biographical Notes:
“James Magoun” died leaving four minor children. See Probate Records: Plymouth County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1881.Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.)
3. i. JAMES³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b about 1698; bp. at Scituate on 18 Sep 1709.16
3. ii. THOMAS³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b. about 1700 and bp at Scituate on 18 Sep 1709.13
3. iii. ISAAC³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b. about 1702
3. iv. SARAH³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b. about 1704 and baptised at Scituate on 18 Sep 1709.13 She married on 16 June 1744, (_____) Stowell.
2. iv. JOHN² MAGOON, Jr., (John¹), was born at Scituate on 14 Jul 166817,11 and christened at Scituate on 18 Jul 1669.18,17 He died at Pembroke on 09 Feb 1739, aged 73.19 He married at Scituate, Massachusetts on 30 Apr 1702/3, HANNAH TURNER.20,21 daughter of DANIEL and HANNAH (RANDALL) TURNER.22 (Mary Sampson Lund’s Direct Ancestor)
Biographical Note:
1. I believe it was this John Magoon who became the guardian of Thomas Magoon, the minor son of his brother James Magoon who died in 1705 leaving four minor children.23
3. i. JOHN³ MAGOON, (John², John¹), b. at Scituate on 10 Jul 170513; died at Pembroke, on 19 Aug 1743. He married at Marshfield, Massachusetts on 28 Nov 1728, ABIGAIL WATERMAN.24 She is the daughter of JOSEPH WATERMAN. She was born at Marshfield on 10 Apr 1710 and died at Pembroke on 4 Feb 1791 in her 81st year.25
Biographical Notes:
Children of John and Abigail (Waterman) Magoon:
4. HANNAH MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), died at Pembroke on 15 May 1738.26
4. BETTY MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), died at Pembroke on 10 Apr 1739.27
4. JOSEPH MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), died at Pembroke on 30 Aug 1740.28
4. i. LUSANNA MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), at Pembroke in 1729; d. 1798.
4. ii. ABIGAIL MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), at Pembroke in 1732; d. 1794.
4. iii. JOHN4 MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), b. at Pembroke in 1735; d. 1807.
4. iv. JOSEPH MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), b. at Pembroke 1741; d. 1831.
2. v. HANNAH² MAGOON*, (John¹), was baptized at Scituate on 23 Jul 1671. She married, at Scituate by 1689, ANDREW LOVELL.13,5,29 The son of JOHN and JANE LOVELL. Andrew was born at Weymouth on 28 Jun 1668. “Andrew, s. John and Jane, June 28, 1668.”30
Biographical Notes:
I have yet to find a BIRTH record for Hannah in Hingham. The baptism/christening is well documented.
2. An Andrew Lovell marries in 1712 at Bridgewater, could Hannah have died and this is her widow remarrying?
Children of Andrew and Hannah (Magoon) Lovell
3. MARY3 LOVEL, bp. at Barnstable, Massachusetts on 8 Mar 1696.31
3. THANKFUL3 LOVEL, bp. at Barnstable on 2 Jun 1700.32
2. vi. ELIAS² MAGOON*, (John¹), was born at Scituate* on 17 Aug 1673 and and baptized at Scituate on 04 Jul 1675. He died at Pembroke in 1727.13,5 He married, first, at Duxbury [Duxborough] on 19 Jan 1702, HANNAH MACKFARLIN, the daughter of, PURDIE MACFARLAND, a doubtful SPOW.7 she died at Pembroke on 26 Oct 1707.33 He married, second, at Scituate in on 30 Jan 1711/12, RUTH OLDHAM.34
Biographical Notes:
1. 15 Oct 2016, Dwayne Lund, says, “It’s interesting to note that Elias [John?] and Hannah (Turner) Magoon, the children of fathers who had been forced into years of indentured servitude, became slave owners themselves. In the will of Elias Magoon, recorded 1728, he writes: “I give to my wife…. household goods, and my negro or malatto boy …” Source: Probate Estate Files, No. 13456-13543, Lyon, Vinal – Magonn, Paul, Ca. 1686-1915” ~ Dwayne –

3. i. DAVID³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹) born at Duxbury on 1 Nov 1703; bp. at Scituate on 22 Jul 1705.13
3. ii. MARY³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹) b. at Duxbury on 24 Mar 1704/5. bp at Scitutae on 22 Jul 1705.13
3. iii. ELIAS³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹), b. at Duxbury* on 9 Oct 1707*; bp. at Scituate on 20 Jun 1708.13
3. iv. NATHANIEL³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹), b. at Pembroke on 30 Jan 171335; d. at Pembroke in 1727
3. v. RUTH MAGOON, (Elias², John¹), b. at Pembroke on 1 May 171435 ; d. at Pembroke 1753; m. at Pembroke in 1737, JAMES RANDALL.
3. vi. RECOMPENCE MAGOON, (Elias², John¹), a son, was born at Pembroke on 19 May 171635 and d. at Pembroke in 1802; m. at Pembroke in 1742, RUTH CROOKER.
2. vii. ISAAC MAGOON, (John¹), was born at Scituate in August 1675.13,5 He married at Hingham, Massachusetts on 21 Aug 1696, ELIZABETH FORD.36 (Teresa Rust’s and Mary William’s direct ancestor)37

Biographical Notes:
1. “The first settler was Isaac Magoon, a Scotchman, who gave to his adopted home the name of his native country. He was admitted an inhabitant of Windham in 1698…” SEE: “Scotland” in Windham County, Connecticut, taken from Palmer (then a District) and annexed to the Parish.
2. In 1700 Isaac Magoon purchased 1,950 acres (7.9 km2) of land from then Windham and thus began Scotland’s History. He named the town Scotland as a way of commemorating his ancestral home. Scotland was incorporated in May 1857.[2]
3. The General Court Records, under date of May 29, 1761, recite: ” Petition of Isaac and Alexander Magoon, sons and heirs to the whole of the estate of Isaac Magoon, late of Ware River Parish, in the County of Hampshire, deceased, setting forth that they own about 400 acres of land in the northerly part of Palmer, which lies five miles from Palmer Meeting-house, through a bad road, and but two miles from Ware River Meeting-house, and the road naturally good, praying that they may be annexed to Ware River Parish, etc. Notice was ordered to be issued and served on the District of Palmer. “Nov. 18, 1761. Ordered, that the estate described in the aforementioned Petition be annexed to the Parish of Ware River, and the inhabitants or possessors of said estate to do duty and receive privilege there.”
3. i. ELIZABETH³ MAGOON, (Isaac², John¹), was born at Windham, Connecticut on 1 Apr 1699.38 She married at Ashford, Windham County, Connecticut, on 1 Apr 1719, JACOB FULLER*, by the Rev. James Hale.39
3. ii. ISAAC MAGOON*, JR., (Isaac², John¹), was born at Windham, CT on 22 Mar 1706.38
Windham VR (Moved to Palmer, Mass.) He married, before 23 Aug 1734, KATHERINE (_____). (Teresa Rust’s direct ancestor)
Biographical Notes:
“What I found was that John,the brother of Henry, had a son named Isaac born in Scituate MA in 1675. Isaac(1) had a son he also named Isaac(2) born in Windham CT in 1706. This Isaac(2) then also had a son he named Isaac(3) born in Palmer MA in 1734. So apparently there were three Isaac’s before William. Isaac(3), William’s father, apparently married a girl named Lucretia, which would then mean your 4th Great Grandmother was named after her grandmother.” Allan Magoon
3. iii. ALEXANDER³ MAGOON, (Isaac², John¹), (I think moved to Palmer Mass) (Property that borders Joseph Cummings property)
3. iv. REBECCA³ MAGOON, (Isaac², John¹), m., JOHN APPLIN.
3. i. JAMES³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b about 1698; bp. at Scituate on 18 Sep 1709.13 Father James died in 1705 leaving minor children.23
3. ii. THOMAS³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b. about 1700 and bp at Scituate on 18 Sep 1709.13 Father James died in 1705 leaving minor children.23
3. iii. ISAAC³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b. about 1702. Father James died in 1705 leaving minor children.23
3. iv. SARAH³ MAGOON*, (James², John¹), b. about 1704 and baptised at Scituate on 18 Sep 1709.13 Father James died in 1705 leaving minor children.23 She married in 1644, Stowell.
3. i. JOHN³ MAGOON, (John², John¹), b. at Scituate on 10 Jul 170513; died at Pembroke, on 19 Aug 1743. He married at Marshfield, Massachusetts on 28 Nov 1728, ABIGAIL WATERMAN40, the daughter of JOSEPH WATERMAN, and was born at Marshfield on 10 Apr 1710. MAYFLOWER DESCENDANT
Biographical Notes:
Pembroke Deaths, page 430: “Joseph, s. John and Abigal, Aug. 30 1740”41
4. HANNAH MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), died at Pembroke on 15 May 1738.26
4. BETTY MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), died at Pembroke on 10 Apr 1739.27
4. JOSEPH MAGOON, (John3, John², John¹), died at Pembroke on 30 Aug 1740.28
4. i. LUSANNA MAGOON, (John³, John², John¹), born at Scituate on 16 Jan 1732 and baptised at Scituate on 24 May 1730.13
4. ii. ABIGAIL MAGOON, (John³, John², John¹), born at Scituate on 28 Feb 1732-33?, baptised at Scituate on 20 May 1733.42; [Pembroke on 29 Feb 1731?]
4. iii. JOHN MAGOON, (John³, John², John¹), born at Scituate on 06 Aug 173513; m. at Marshfield on 30 Nov 1768, HULDAH SHURTLEFF. (Mary Sampson Lund’s Direct Ancestor)
CHILDREN of John and Huldah (Shurtleff) Magoon:
5. i. WILLIAM MAGOUN, b. at Pembroke on 29 Jan 1769.43
5. ii. ELIAS MAGOUN, b. at Pembroke on 5 Mar 1770.44
5. iii. ABIGAIL MAGOUN, b. at Pembroke on 13 Mar 1772.44
5. iv. JOHN MAGOUN, b. at Pembroke on 25 May 1774
5. v. HANNAH MAGOUN, at Pembroke on 7 Oct 1776
5. vii. SNOW MAGOUN,
5. viii. ASAPH M. MAGOUN, Line of Mary Sampson Lund.
4. iv. HANNAH MAGOON, (John³, John², John¹), born at Scituate on 17 May 1737.13 and died at Pembroke on 15 May 1738.33
4. iv. JOSEPH MAGOON, (John³, John², John¹), was born at Pembroke on 28 May 174045 and died at Pembroke on 30 Aug 1740.46
4. v. JOSEPH MAGOON, (John³, John², John¹), b. at Pembroke on 08 Sep 174147; married at Pembroke on 21 Feb 1775, SARAH MAGOUN.48
3. i. DAVID³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹) born at Duxbury on 1 Nov 170349; bp. at Scituate on 22 Jul 1705.13. He married at Duxbury on 26 Sep 1728, RACHEL SOULE.50 She was born about 1706 and died at Pembroke on 1 Oct 1797.51
Biographical Notes:
A David Magoon has a son Thomas baptised at Pembroke in 1736 and the a David and RACHEL Magoon have a son Thomas who is born at Pembroke on 30 Oct 1740.52
4. i. HANNAH MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 13 Jul 1729.45
4. ii. DAVID MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 20 Sep 1730.53
4. iii. RACHEL MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 01 Jun 1732.53
4. iv. REBECCA MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 30 Jul 1734.53
4. v. MARY MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 19 Apr 1737.53
4. vi. THOMAS MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), baptized at Pembroke on 06 Mar 1736 and died at Pembroke on 16 Mar 1736.5354
4. vii. THOMAS MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 30 Oct 1740.53
4. viii. ABNER MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 11 Aug 1743.53
4. ix. AARON MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 24 Mar 1744/5.53
4. x. RACHEL MAGOON, (David³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 17 Sep 1750.53
3. ii. MARY³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹) b. at Duxbury on 24 Mar 1704/5. bp at Scitutae on 22 Jul 1705.13
3. iii. ELIAS³ MAGOON*, (Elias², John¹) b. at Duxbury* on 9 Oct 1707*; bp. at Scituate on 20 Jun 1708.13
3. iv. NATHANIEL³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹), was born at Pembroke on 30 Jan 171335 and died at Pembroke in 1727.
3. v. RUTH³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹), was born at Pembroke on 01 May 171435 and died at Pembroke in 1753. She married at Pembroke on 15 Jun 1737, JAMES RANDALL.55
3. vi. RECOMPENCE³ MAGOON, (Elias², John¹), a son, was born at Pembroke on 19 May 171635 and died at Pembroke on 10 Feb 1802, at age 86.41 He married at Pembroke in 1742, RUTH CROOKER, she died at Pembroke on 25 Mar 1803, aged 76.41
CHILDREN of Recompence³ and Ruth (Crooker) Magoon:
4. ELIUS MAGOON, (Recompence³, Elias², John¹), b. at Pembroke on 23 Feb 1743.35
4. RUTH MAGOON, (Recompence³, Elias², John¹), b. at Pembroke on 22 Mar 1744.52
4. NATHANIEL MAGOON, (Recompence³, Elias², John¹), b. at Pembroke on 23 Feb 1746.52
4. SILVINE MAGOON, (Recompence³, Elias², John¹), a son, born at Pembroke on 13 May 1749.52
4. SARAH MAGOON, (Recompence³, Elias², John¹), born at Pembroke on 02 Apr 1751.56
3. i. ELIZABETH³ MAGOON, (Isaac², John¹), was born at Windham, Connecticut on 01 Apr 1699.38 She married at Ashford, Windham County, Connecticut, on 1 Apr 1719, JACOB FULLER*, by the Rev. James Hale.39
4. JACOB FULLER, (Magoon, Elizabeth³, Isaac², John¹), was born at Willington, Connecticut on 27 Sep 1735.57 and died at Palmer on 25 Jan 1737/8.
4. ISAAC APPLING, born at Willington, Tolland County, Connecticut on 11 Feb 1727.58
4. EBENEZER APPLIN, b. at Palmer on 25 Nov 1734 and died at Palmer on 3 Jan 1737/8.
4. EDWARD APPLIN, died at Palmer on 3 Jan 1737/8 “Throat Distemper”
4. SARAH APPLIN, b. at Palmer on 24 Nov 1737
4. REBECCA APPLIN, b. at Palmer on 13 Aug 1740
3. ii. REBECCA³ MAGOON, (Isaac², John¹), was born at Windham?? about 1700. She married, JOHN APPLING/APPLIN. Mansfield, CT: Vital Records, 1700-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths from the Records of the Town and Churches in Mansfield, Connecticut, 1703-1850. Copied from the Records by Susan W. Dimock, The Baker and Taylor Co., 5 and 7 East Sixteenth St., New York, New York, 1898.)
Biographical Notes:
Her name is spelled Rebeckah Magoun in the Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecticut Vital Records.58 Must have moved to Palmer, Massachusetts with her brother or father? Palmer was composed of several villages and was incorporated in 1752. Lost THREE children in one month possibly because of the “Throat Distemper” (Diphtheria) epidemic. The “Throat Distemper” of 1735-1740. PDF
3. iii. ISAAC³ MAGOON*, JR., (Isaac², John¹), was born at Windham, CT on 22 Mar 1706.38
Windham VR (Moved to Palmer, Mass.) He married, before 23 Aug 1734, KATHERINE (_____).
Biographical Notes:
THE MAGOON FAMILY. The Magoons and Olmsteads were pioneer settlers in the district; they were in the north division, except Isaac, Jr.; he located first on the lot known of late as the Charles Shaw farm. After the first division of lands he sold his home farm to James Lamberton, and changed his location to the Ware precinct. Isaac Jun., and Catherine Magoon. Ch. 1, Isaac b. Aug 23, 1734. Ch. 2, Margaret, b. June 8, 1738. Ch. 3, William, b. Sept. 16, 1739.
4. i. ISAAC MAGOON, Jr., (Isaac³, Isaac², John¹), was born at Palmer on 23 Aug 1734.59 and died at Ware in 1801. He married at Hardwick, Massachusetts on 06 Dec 1757, LUCRETIA DOWNING. (Teresa Rust’s Line)
Children of Isaac and Lucretia (Downing) Magoon:
5. i. SARAH MAGOON, b. at Ware on 20 May 1758.
5. ii. CATHERINE MAGOON, b. Ware on 08 Nov 1859.
5. iii. WILLIAM MAGOON, b. Ware on 10 May 1761; Int to m., SARAH STEEL on 17 Nov 1795((; m. at New Salem on 14 Jul 1800.((
5. iv. MARGARET MAGOON, b. at Ware on 02 Mar 1763.
5. v. JOHN MAGOON, b. at Ware on 21 Jan 1765.
5. vi. LUCY MAGOON, b. at Ware on 03 Aug 1767.
5. vii. TWIN: CALVIN MAGOON, b. Ware 01 Jan 1770
5. viii. TWIN: LUTHER MAGOON, b 01 Jan 1770.
5. ix. LUCRETIA MAGOON, b Ware 29 Apr 1772; d. 28 Apr 1776.
5. x. PHEBE MAGOON, b. 23 Feb 1775.
5. xi.
4. ii. MARGARET MAGOON, (Isaac³, Isaac², John¹), was born at Palmer on 08 Jun 1738.59
4. iii. WILLIAM MAGOON, (Isaac³, Isaac², John¹), was born at Palmer on 16 Sep 1739.59
4. iv. ALEXANDER MAGOON, (Isaac³, Isaac², John¹), was born at Palmer in 1741 and died at Enfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts on 21 Mar 1821 at the age of 80. He married at Ware on 1 Apr 1762, MARYANN TACKELS, the daughter of William and Jean (_____) Tackels.
Children of Alexander and Maryann (Tackels) Magoon:
5. i. ISAAC MAGOON, b. at Ware on 18 Feb 1763; d. at Ware in Sep 1808; m., ASENATH NYE.
5. ii. MARGARET MAGOON, b. at Ware on 3 Apr 1764; m. at Ware on 22 Jan 1787, ARTIMUS GOODENOUGH, of Guilford.60
5. iii. ALEXANDER MAGOON, Junior, b. at Ware on 29 Oct 1770; m. at Ware on 07 Jun 1790, EUNICE SHAW.
5. iv. MARYANN MAGOON, b. at Ware in Sep. 1784; Intention, at Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts on 13 Nov 1803 to wed, BENJAMIN PAIGE.61
3. iv. ALEXANDER³ MAGOON, (Isaac², John¹), was born at ? about 1708???
(I think moved to Palmer, Mass)
Biographical Notes:
1. Property tax for farm in Ware, Massachusetts, Isaac Magoon and Alexander Magoon, One Farm, Bounded North by Moses Brown and South by Joseph Cummings.62 Next door to another Isaac Magoon.
2. There is a 1790 US Census record in Ware with an Alexander, Isaac and John Magoon.

Samuel Deane, History of Scituate, Massachusetts, From Its First Settlement to 1831, (Boston: James Loring, 1831), 309.
“JOHN MAGOON (early McGoun) was a freeholder in 1666. He lived in “the Two mile.” He had also a considerable tract of land on the west side of North river, near Hughs cross, and Cornets pond. His children, John born 1668, Elias 1673, Isaac 1675. This family have descendants in Marshfield and Pembroke.”
- George Lincoln, History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, Volumes II, III, The Genealogies (Somersworth, N.H.: New England History Press, 1982; orig. pub. Hingham, Mass., 1893), 3:47-49. [↩]
- Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, page 344. Google Books, [↩]
- Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, page 344. Google Books, [↩]
- Massachusetts: Plymouth Colony Deeds, 1671-1673. (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2019). From Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, Deeds, &c., Vol. III, pt. 2, 1671-1673. Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2019. [↩]
- James Savage, ed., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1860-62), 3:143. [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Samuel Deane, History of Scituate, Massachusetts, From Its First Settlement to 1831 (Boston: James Loring, 1831), 309. [↩]
- George Lincoln, History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, Volumes II, III, The Genealogies (Somersworth, N.H.: New England History Press, 1982; orig. pub. Hingham, Mass., 1893), 3:47-49. [↩] [↩] [↩]
- [↩]
- Breck, Samuel, 1891, Supplement to the Magoun memorial…Descendants of John and Rebecka Magoun…p. 1-3 (separately paginated) in Descendants of Aaron and Mary (Church) Magoun, of Pembroke, Mass. (3rd ed. with supplement) by Samuel Beck [↩]
- Vital Records from The NEHGS Register. Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (Compiled from articles originally published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register.) [↩]
- James Savage, ed., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1860-62), 3:143. [↩] [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- Scituate Vital Records, Births, p. 241 [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- [↩]
- “Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915”, database, FamilySearch ( : 15 January 2020), James Magoon, 1666. [↩]
- Scituate Vital Records, Births, p. 241 [↩]
- Scituate Vital Records, Births, p. 241 [↩] [↩]
- “Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915”, database, FamilySearch ( : 14 January 2020), John Magoon, 1669. [↩]
- Vital Records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, at [↩]
- Scituate Vital Records, Marriages, p. 198 [↩]
- New England Marriages to 1700. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2008.) Originally published as: New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. [↩]
- [↩]
- Plymouth County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1881.Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.) [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Abigail is the direct descendant of Richard Warren of the Mayflower. Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants, 1700-1880. (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017). From Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1975-2015. [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- [↩] [↩]
- [↩] [↩]
- [↩] [↩]
- LOVEL, Andrew (1668-) (son John) & [Hannah MAGOON]? (1671-); by 1689; Scituate/Barnstable {MD 11:99; Hamlin 171; Hingham 3:48 bef. 1697; Warner-Harrington 421} New England Marriages to 1700. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2008.) Originally published as: New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- “Barnstable, MA: Church Records, 1639-1892.” Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts. CD-ROM. Boston, MA.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2002. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015.) [↩]
- “Barnstable, MA: Church Records, 1639-1892.” Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts. CD-ROM. Boston, MA.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2002. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015.) [↩]
- Vital Records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, at [↩] [↩]
- Scituate Vital Records, Marriages, p. 198 [↩]
- Vital Records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, at [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Hingham, MA: Vital Records, 1637-1845. (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2016. Vital Records of Hingham, Massachusetts, ca. 1639-1844. Hersey, Reuben. Mss 901. R. Stanton Avery Special Collections Department, New England Historic Genealogical Society.) [↩]
- Hingham, MA: Vital Records, 1637-1845. (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2016. Vital Records of Hingham, Massachusetts, ca. 1639-1844. Hersey, Reuben. Mss 901. R. Stanton Avery Special Collections Department, New England Historic Genealogical Society.) [↩] - Connecticut: Vital Records (The Barbour Collection), 1630-1870 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011.) From original typescripts, Lucius Barnes Barbour Collection, 1928. [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Connecticut: Vital Records (The Barbour Collection), 1630-1870 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011.) From original typescripts, Lucius Barnes Barbour Collection, 1928. [↩] [↩]
- Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants, 1700-1880. (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017). From Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1975-2015. [↩]
- Vital Records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, at [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Scituate VR, Births, p. 241 [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩]
- Pembroke Deaths, page 430: “Joseph, s. John and Abigal, Aug. 30 1740” Vital Records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, at [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩]- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]- Vital Records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, at [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- Connecticut: Vital Records (The Barbour Collection), 1630-1870 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011.) From original typescripts, Lucius Barnes Barbour Collection, 1928.[/efn_
4. JOHN APPLING, JR., born at Mansfield on 16 Mar 1725 ((Mansfield, CT: Vital Records, 1700-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths from the Records of the Town and Churches in Mansfield, Connecticut, 1703-1850. Copied from the Records by Susan W. Dimock, The Baker and Taylor Co., 5 and 7 East Sixteenth St., New York, New York, 1898.) [↩]
- Mansfield, CT: Vital Records, 1700-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths from the Records of the Town and Churches in Mansfield, Connecticut, 1703-1850. Copied from the Records by Susan W. Dimock, The Baker and Taylor Co., 5 and 7 East Sixteenth St., New York, New York, 1898.) [↩] [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩] [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Massachusetts and Maine: Direct Tax, 1798. (Online database., New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2003.) Original manuscript: Direct tax list of 1798 for Massachusetts and Maine, 1798. R. Stanton Avery Special Collections, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, MA. [↩]