This write up, about Daniel Gunn a SPOW on a family page of The Ancestry of Sarah Miller is about John Chater and his wife Alice Emery and Daniel Gunn their indentured servant and what happened to them. Shared by Ray Dusek on 31 Oct 2018.This write up, about Daniel Gunn a SPOW on a family page of The Ancestry of Sarah Miller is about John Chater and his wife Alice Emery and Daniel Gunn their indentured servant and what happen to them. Shared by Ray Dusek on 31 Oct 2018.This write up, about Daniel Gunn a SPOW on a family page of The Ancestry of Sarah Miller is about John Chater and his wife Alice Emery and Daniel Gunn their indentured servant and what happen to them. Shared by Ray Dusek on 31 Oct 2018.This write up, about Daniel Gunn a SPOW on a family page of The Ancestry of Sarah Miller is about John Chater and his wife Alice Emery and Daniel Gunn their indentured servant and what happen to them. Shared by Ray Dusek on 31 Oct 2018.