Published by Teresa on: 21 Apr 2013
Updated by Teresa on: 18 August 2018
Scots’ Charitable Society Website, at WordPress:
“In January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society. The founder stated that “…our benevolence is for the releefe of our selves being Scottishmen or for any of the Scottish nation whome we may see cause to helpe…”[1] Almost 350 years later this dedication to benevolent acts continues to guide the work of the Scots’ Charitable Society.”
Scots’ Charitable Society. The Constitution and By-Laws, of the Scots’ Charitable Society of Boston, (Boston, Mass.: Press of Farrington Printing Co., 1896) (A FREE Google eBook.) Instituted in 1657, with a list of members and officers, and many interesting extracts from the original records of the society.
Newspaper article about the 250th Anniversary of the society in the November 30, 1907 Boston Evening Transcript VERY INTERESTING at