Dunklee, Elnathan

Battle:Battle of Dunbar in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Ship/Arrival:Unity, Dec 1650
Prisoner and List:
Name Variations:
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Published on: 20 Jan 2015

Elanthan Dunkley/Dunklee/Duncklee
Written and submitted by descendant and researcher:
Tim Dunklee –

“The only immigrant of the name Dunkley, thought to have been one of Cromwell’s prisoners after the Battle of Dunbar. He was summoned January 12, 1651/52 by the selectmen of Dedham and placed in service for one year to dwell with Anthony Fisher.” From Boston Transcript – Copy 3073-May 7, 1925: “Town meeting, Dedham, November 06, 1651: Elnathan Dunkley and Matthew Edward were summoned to appear before ye Selectmen; and on the 12th day, according to the court order, Elnathan was placed in service for one year to dwell with Anthony Fisher, Sen. and the said Anthony Fisher “doth covenant and agree to pay to the said Elnathan … the sum of 9 pounds for the year’s service, vitz. 2 pounds, 5s each quarter of ye year.” – Tim Dunklee

From Boston Transcript-Copy 3073-May 7, 1925:
“Elanthan as the first in this country. He was to have been a Scottish boy kidnapped by English sailors and left here after a voyage. Information told to me by Great Aunt Myrtle Monroe.”

“The only immigrant of the name Dunklee to reach New England before 1700 was Elnathan Dunkley, thought to have been one of Cromwell’s Scotch prisoners after the Battle of Dunbar. He was summoned January 12, 1651/52 by the Selectmen of Dedham and placed in service for one year to dwell with Anthony Fisher.”

For more information, see: Elanthan Dunklee Genealogy