Battle: | Battle of Dunbar at Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland on 3 Sep 1650 |
Ship/Arrival: | The ketch Unity – late Dec 1650 – MA Bay Colony |
Prisoner and List: | Daniel Dill is not found on the John & Sara passenger list nor the George Stewart list but several researchers believe he is a possible Dunbar SPOW. |
Name Variations: | Dell, Dill |
Residences: | York, Maine |
Other SPOW Associations: | Alexander Maxwell, Daniel Simpson (J&S), James Warren |
Published: 20 June 2015; Updated: 01 Oct 2020
Researcher: Andrew Millard and Teresa Rust
Editor: Teresa Rust
First Generation in the New World
1. DANIEL¹ DILL, was born, possibly in Scotland, about 1628-1633, and died in Maine in 1711. He married, DOROTHY MOORE. She died before 17 March 1693/4.
Biographical Notes:
1. Contributed by Dr. Andrew Millard in July 2018:
According to, Christopher Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard, Richard Annis, and Anwen Caffell, Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650, (England: Oxbow Books, 2018), on page 252, Daniel is categorized as: Possible [that he is a Dunbar prisoner transported on the Unity] Dill, Daniel. Residences: York ME. Appears: 1658. B.c.1628-1633. D.1711. Generally reckoned to be a Scot due to his association with the Scots at York. [Exiles; DR; SPOWS] For explanations of the category, abbreviations and references see List of Dunbar prisoners from Lost Lives, New Voices.
2. “Lands of Daniel Dill” in York, Maine, c1727, next to land owned by James Starrat [Stewart],1
3. From: William Moore – First Generation Moore Family “Dorothy married Daniel DILL[1], who was born between 1628 and 1633. His birth year is estimated from the ages he gave at several depositions given at York, York co., ME. He was a witness at a trial in York, York co., ME in 1660 and was listed as a Servant to Alexander Maxwell circa 1662. By 1666 his fortunes had improved and he bought land at York, York co., ME from Roland Young. In 1680 and 1689, he also received land grants from the town. However, “[i]n 1678 Daniel Dill was drunk and threatening to kill his wife, who was Dorothy Moore, sister to Thomas.”[1,23]
Children of Daniel and Dorothy (Moore) Dill:
2. i. JOHN² DILL, born in 1666; d. btw. 1708-1716
2. ii. DANIEL² DILL, born abt. 1679; d. at York, on Tuesday, 6 Apr 1711
2. iii. WILLIAM² DILL,
2. iv. JOSEPH² DILL,
Second and Third Generations
2. i. JOHN² DILL, (Daniel¹), was born in 1666 and died between 1708-1716. He married, SARAH HUTCHINS.2
Children of John and Sarah (Hutchins) Dill:3
3. i. MARY³ DILL, (John², Daniel¹), was born in York on 18 Oct 1710.
3. ii. ENOCH³ DILL, (John², Daniel¹), was born in York on 26 May 1712.
2. ii. DANIEL² DILL, was born about 1679 and died at York, on Tuesday, 06 Apr 1711. He married at York on 08 Nov 1698, ELISABETH FOOT/FOSS/FOST, the daughter of, JOHN FOSS. “DILL, Daniel & Elizabeth FOOT, m/2 Henry BEEDLE; 8 Nov 1698; York, ME”4 She married, second, HENRY BEEDLE.
Biographical Notes:
1. RE: Elizabeth FOOT/FOSS: “New England Marriages to 1700. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2008.) Originally published as: New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015.” records her as being Elizabeth FOOT whereas the Vital Records of York, Maine records her as, Elisabeth the daughter of John FOSS.
2. “Daniel- b.c.1679, m. 8 Nov. 1698 Elizabeth Fost (m.2. Henry Beedle). Daniel was killed during an Indian attack on York with his companion Joseph Junkins while fishing near the garrison. The following appeared in the Boston News Letter 9 Apr. 1711: “Piscataqua, April 6th On Tuesday last five of the Skulking Indian Enemy kill’d two Men about Scotland Garrison at York, viz. Daniel Dill and Joseph Jenkins, the last whereof they also stript and scalpt and after the Enemy withdrew, they supposing him dead Jenkins arose and march’d to the Garrison, and gave an account of the Action, and liv’d but about 10 hours afterward.” “
Children of Daniel and Elisabeth (Foss) Dill:5
3. i. MARY DILL, b. at York on 25 Nov 1699.
3. ii. DOROTHY DILL, b. at York on 9 Sep 1700.
3. iii. JOHN DILL, b. at York on 8 Nov 1703.
3. iv. DANIEL DILL, b. at York on 28 Feb 1705/6.
3. v. DORCAS DILL, b. at York on 16 Jul 1708.
3. vi. JOSEPH DILL, b. at York on 14 Jan 1710/11.
2. iii. WILLIAM² DILL,
2. iv. JOSEPH² DILL,
—End of Generation List.
Additional Information:

He was a York witness in 1660 (2) and a servant to Alexander Maxwell about 1662.(1) Daniel was fined for intoxication in 1666 and in 1678 he was drunk and threatened to kill his wife.(1)
Daniel bought land above Bass Creek in “Scotland” from Roland Young in 1666 and had a town grant in 1681 on the west side of the river and another grant in 1699.(1)
Daniel signed the petition against the sale of Maine in 1679 (3) and in May 1701 he deeded everything to his son John for life support with John to pay the other’s portions.(4)
Petition concerning the sale of Maine to Massachusetts
Dorothy was given £5 in cousin James Dixon’s deed/will of 1666. Her brother Thomas deeded Daniel 20 acres of land near Scotland.(5)
(1) “History of York, ME”- Banks, Vol.I, pp.210,261
(2) York Deeds- I, 101
(3) Mass. Archives- III, 341
(4) York Deeds- IV, 135
(5) Ibid- VI, 95
Dill Genealogy-Joseph Odiorne, Brunswick, ME (unpublished)
Dill: Descendants of Daniel 1660, York, ME- Helen W. Kernoul, pp.1-2
Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire- p.196
In May 1702 he deeded all to his son John in exchange for support during his lifetime with John to pay the other children’s portions after his death. Dorothy was either dead or had been cut out of yet another will. All in all, Dorothy seems to be the star-crossed sibling in this family.”
- Maine: Early Wills and Deeds, 1640-1760. CD-ROM. Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2006. [↩]
- Vital Records from The NEHGS Register. Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (Compiled from articles originally published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register.) [↩] - [↩]
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