Thompson, George

Battle:Battle of Dunbar in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Ship/Arrival:Unity, Dec 1650
Prisoner and List:
Name Variations:
Other SPOW Associations:
Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy; please independently verify all data.

Published: 18 August 2018, Updated: 24 May 2019
Page contributors: Dr. Andrew Millard, Teresa Rust

Thompson, George, #30 on Scots at Lynn 1653. Iron Works Inventory (Saugus)

According to, Christopher Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard, Richard Annis, and Anwen Caffell, Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650, (England: Oxbow Books, 2018), on page 248, George is categorized as:

Definite [that he is a Dunbar prisoner transported on the Unity]

Thomson/Thompson/Tompson, George. Residences: Lynn, Reading MA. Appears: 1653. B.c.1633. D.1674. A founder of the SCS. [Exiles; Banks; DR; SPOWS; Ch.7 & 8]

For explanations of the category, abbreviations and references see List of Dunbar prisoners from Lost Lives, New Voices.

For more information about your ancestor please contact his descendants and/or researchers. It is also HIGHLY recommended that you join the 580+ descendants of the Scottish Prisoners of War Society Facebook GROUPwhere you may be able to get some advice and possibly more information about your Scottish prisoner of war ancestor. Our small website team is unable to help with research at this time. ~ Thanks!