Battle: | Battle of Dunbar in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland |
Ship/Arrival: | Unity, Dec 1650 |
Prisoner and List: | |
Name Variations: | |
Residences: | |
Other SPOW Associations: |
Published: 05 Dec 2014, Updated: 03 Apr 2019
Page contributors: Dr. Andrew Millard, Teresa Rust, Rosann Beauvais, Ray Dusek
James Cleghorn, #14 on George S. Stewart’s Captured at Dunbar list 1
According to, Christopher Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard, Richard Annis, and Anwen Caffell, in, Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650, (England: Oxbow Books, 2018), 2 on page 249, James is categorized as:
Probable [that he is a Dunbar prisoner transported on the Unity]
Cleghorn/Claghorn/Claghorne/Cleaguehorne/Gleghorne, James. Residences: Barnstable MA. Appears: 1654. D.1683. Indentured to Lt Bernard Lumbard, and married his daughter. [Exiles; DR; SPOWS] 3 4 5
For explanations of the category, abbreviations and references see List of Dunbar prisoners from Lost Lives, New Voices.
First Generation in the New World
1. JAMES¹ CLEGHORN/CLAGHORN, was born presumably in Scotland and died at Barnstable, Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts sometime between 11 Jun and 21 Jul 1683. 6 He married at Barnstable on 6 Jan 1654, ABIA/ABIAH LOMBARD/LUMBART, (aka Abigail Lumbert). 7 8
Biographical Notes:
James Cleghorn was in the service of Barnhard Lambert and later, after he had earned his freedom, he and his wife, a possible relative of Barnhard Lambert, relocated to Martha’s Vineyard. 9 Prior to his marriage on 6 Jan 1654, he and his future wife were charged with “carnall copulation before contraction” and the case was heard at Plymouth’s General Court 6 Mar 1654/5. 10 He paid the fine of 5 pounds on 9 Aug 1655. 11 He took the oath of fidelity in 1657 also at Barnstable. On May 24, 1662 several men of Barnstable, including James, were chosen to serve a one year term as Heywards, being those who would look after fences, giving warning and charging the landowner for defects in order to help control cattle from trespassing into corn fields. 12 Sometime after this, supposedly in 1662, James and his family removed to Yarmouth, still in Plymouth Colony. He again appeared in Plymouth Court on 2 Mar 1668 but this time, he was the victim. “Caleb Lumburt, for breaking the Kinges peace in striking of James Gleaghorn, was fined three shillings four pence; and in reference to his hostile carriages towards the said Gleaghorne, forasmuch as hee is recouered of that which might haue proued dangerouse to his life, hee, the said Lumbert, was seriously admonished and warned for the future not to doe soe any more, and cleared of his bonds.” 13 The man, Caleb Lumburt, a Jedediah Lumburt, might have been a relative to James Cleghorn’s wife, Abia (Abigail), and were the administrators on the estate of Thomas Lumburt, as well as Thomas’ wife, Joyce. Caleb had previously appeared in court on 2 Oct 1660 for “abominable cursing and swearing” and was punished by sitting in the stocks. 14 James Cleghorn’s land was officially recorded “11 of Feb 1674 at a Meeting of ye Men appointed by ye Town to Examine Evidences of Mens Lands to be Recorded twas Ordered to be recorded as followeth; To James Claghorn; twenty acres of Upland be it More or Less bounded Westerly to ye lands of John Casly In ye occupation of Joshua Lumbart Easterly by ye Commons Northerly & Southerly by ye Commons being about 40 pole Broad & Eighty Long.” 15 His land was again mentioned in a grant on 20 April 1675 between John Casly and John Phinny, planters and Joshua Lumbart who was buying twenty acres of Upland land described as lying “…Easterly by ye Lands Laid out to James Claghorn as ye Line Runs Northerly and Southerly between two Small Swamps & bounded Northerly and Southerly by ye Common…” 16 James Cleghorn’s wife committed suicide by hanging in Oct. 1677, her body being found by some of her children, Abia (Abigail) was reported as having been for sometime mentally afflicted. 17 His will, dated 11 Jun 1683, reads: His estate inventory was taken 21 Jul 1683: James died sometime between 11 Jun and 21 Jul 1683.
2. i. JAMES² CLEGHORN Jr (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 29 Jan 1654. 18 7 19
2. ii. MARY² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 26 Oct 1655; 7 19 d. in Barnstable abt 1706; m. 20 Mar 1682, JOSEPH DAVIS. 20
2. iii. ELIZABETH² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable in Apr 1658; 7 19 d. 1683 or later.
2. iv. SARAH² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 03 Jan 1659; 7 19 d. 1683 or later; m. abt 1680 EPHRAIM PRAY, b. in Providence, RI abt 1649, son of Richard and Mary (_____) Pray.
2. v. ROBERT² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 27 Oct 1661; 7 19 m. BETHIAH (_____) LOTHROP, wid. of Nathaniel Lothrop. 7
2. vi. SHUBAEL/SHOBAL² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Yarmouth abt 1663.; d. abt 5 Sept 1725; m. (1) at Barnstable, JANE LOVELL; b. 28 July 1670, dau. of John and Jane (Hatch) Lovell; m. (2) JOAN BUMPAS “of Rochester”. 7 19
2. vii. THOMAS² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Yarmouth abt 1665. 19
2. viii. EXPERIENCE² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Yarmouth, abt 1667. 19
Second and Third Generations
2. i. JAMES² CLEGHORN JR (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 29 Jan 1654. 18 7 19
Biographical Notes:
James Cleghorn Jr. served in King Philip’s War in 1676 and the Expedition to Quebec in 1690. He appears in an accounting of Colonial Soldiers as an Ensign in 1690 from Barnstable in the Plymouth Regiment. 21
2. ii. MARY² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 26 Oct 1655; 7 19 d. in Barnstable abt 1706; m. 20 Mar 1682, JOSEPH DAVIS. 20
3. i. SIMON³ DAVIS, Capt. (Mary², James¹), b. at Barnstable 19 Jan 1683; 20 d. in Barnstable 10 Apr 1755; m. (1) in Barnstable 12 May 1725 ELIZABETH LUMBART, 22 b. bef. 22 Apr 1700, dau. of Joshua and Hopestill (Bullock) Lumbart; 23 m. (2) 5 June 1740 PRISCILLA HAMBLIN, b. 13 July 1709; d. 24 Apr 1751, dau. of Jonathan and Esther (_____) Hamlin.
3. ii. MARY³ DAVIS (Mary², James¹), b. in Barnstable 19 June 1685; 22 m. in East Bridgewater 1 Oct 1705 SAMUEL REED, b. 29 Sept 1681, son of Philip and Hannah (_____) Read. 24
3. iii. JOSEPH³ DAVIS (Mary², James¹), b. at Barnstable 30 Apr 1687; 22 d. at Attleborough 4 May 1727; m. in Providence, RI 2 Oct 1714 MARCY NANCY (SMITH), b. in Bristol, RI 14 Aug 1686, dau. of John and Susannah (_____) Smith. 25
3. iv. ROBERT³ DAVIS (Mary², James¹), b. in Barnstable 13 June 1689; m. in Rochester abt 1726 MARY (_____). 22 26
2. iii. ELIZABETH² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable in Apr 1658; 7 19 d. 1683 or later.
2. iv. SARAH² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 03 Jan 1659; 7 19 d. 1683 or later; m. abt 1680 EPHRAIM PRAY, b. in Providence, RI abt 1649, son of Richard and Mary (_____) Pray.
3. i. SILENCE³ DAVIS (Sarah², James¹), b. in Providence, RI abt 1681; d. in Providence, RI 1 Jan 1767; m. JOB WHIPPLE, b. in Dorchester, Suffolk 8 Mar 1685; d. in Providence 19 Apr 1750, son of Eleazer and Alice (Angell) Whipple.
2. v. ROBERT² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Barnstable on 27 Oct 1661; 7 19 m. BETHIAH (_____) LOTHROP, wid. of Nathaniel Lothrop. 7
Children of ROBERT² and BETHIAH (_____) CLEGHORN:
3. i. ABIA³ CLEGHORN (Robert², James¹), b. 13 Aug 1702; bapt. 13 Aug 1702. 27
3. ii. JOSEPH³ CLEGHORN (Robert², James¹), b. 25 Aug 1704; bapt. 1 Oct 1704. 27
3. iii. NATHANIEL³ CLEGHORN (Robert², James¹), b. 10 Nov 1707. 27
3. iv. OTIS³ CLEGHORN (Robert², James¹), b. ca. 1709. 27
3. v. SAMUEL³ CLEGHORN (Robert², James¹), b. 23 June 1711; bapt. 7 Dec 1712 27
2. vi. SHUBAEL/SHOBAL² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Yarmouth abt 1663.; d. abt 5 Sept 1725; m. (1) at Barnstable, JANE LOVELL; b. 28 July 1670, dau. of John and Jane (Hatch) Lovell; m. (2) JOAN BUMPAS “of Rochester”. 7 19
Biographical Notes:
His will date of 5 Sep 1725 is the approximate time of his death. The inventory of his estate amounted to £877-8-7. He married Jane Lovell, who may have been the widow of John Bumpas of Rochester or who was possibly related to his second wife, Joan Bumpas. His descendants are the only ones of this family to take up permanent residence on the Vineyard.
3. i. JAMES³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. Aug 1689; bapt. June 1691; d. 18 Jan 1749; m. Mercy, dau. of Isaac and Ruth (Bayley) Norton. 27 19
3. ii. THANKFUL³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 30 Jan 1690; bapt. 27 Mar 1692; d. 6 Jan 1690 or 1696. 27 19
3. iii. THOMAS³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. at Barnstable 20 Mar 1692/3; bapt. 17 June 1694; “settled at Edgartown”. (Thomas’ lineage is covered for several generations in the sourced book.) 27 19
3. iv. SHUBAEL³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 20 Sep 1696; bapt. 17 Apr 1715. 27 19
3. v. ROBERT³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 18 Jul 1699; bapt. 30 Aug 1699; m. THANKFUL COLEMAN. 27 19
3. vi. BENJAMIN³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 14 June 1701; bapt. 20 July 1701; “of Newport” in 1730. 27 19
3. vii. THANKFUL³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 1703; m. EBENEZER SMITH. (no source)
3. viii. REUBEN³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), bapt. 28 Apr 1706; m. ELEANOR LOVELL. 28 29
3. ix. MARY³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 1707; bapt. 3 Aug 1707; m. (int.) 6 Mar 1729/30, EBENEZER CLARKE, “of Rochester”. 27 29
3. x. JANE³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 1709; bapt. 31 July 1709; m. JOSHUA LAMBERT, Jr. 28 29
3. xi. EBENEZER³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), b. 30 Jul 1712; m. (1) on 30 Oct 1735, SARAH LAMBERT; m. (2) on 08 Sep 1763, ELIZABETH HAMBLIN. 28 29
3. xii. JONATHAN³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), bapt. Aug 1713. 27
3. xiii. JABEZ³ CLEGHORN (Shubael², James¹), bapt. 4 Sept 1715. 27
2. vii. THOMAS² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Yarmouth abt 1665. 19
2. viii. EXPERIENCE² CLEGHORN (James¹), b. at Yarmouth, abt 1667. 19

“The verdict of vs, a jury impannelled by the constable of Yarmouth, to serch into and view the what might be the occation or cause of the vntimly death of the wife of James Claghorne, of Yarmouth. Wee made enquiry whoe were the psons which first found the woman, and wee found that it was her daughter Elizabeth and her son Robert, whoe, vpon examination, declared to vs that they, missing theire mother, nad made serch and enquiry for her, they sent vp into the chamber by one of the children, whoe cryed out that his mother is hanging herselfe; whervpon the said Elizabeth and Robert ran vp, and found her hanging and dead. They thought, howeuer, that shee might haue life, and therfore prsently vnloosed the rope or halter, and tooke her downe; and seeing noe life in her, they prsently made out cray abroad, and there came to them Jabez Gorum and Jonathan White, whoe declared to vs that they went vp, and found the woman vnder the rope dead and cold, and they tooke her vp and brought her downe into the lower rome; and the aboue-said Elizabeth said that her mother was mising, as shee judged, two houres or more before they found her. Haueing thus farr proceed, we went to view the place where shee was hanged, as they told vs, and found there an haire rope or halter, fastened very feirme to the collor beame, in thich the abouesaid Elizabeth and Robert said shee hanged; then wee viewed the corpes, and found an apparent strake on her necke, where the blood was settled; soe that / it is apparent to vs that shee strangling herselfe with a cord was the cause of her death, and by all our serch and inquiry, wee judge that shee hanged herselfe, and haue noe cause, by all our examination and obseruation, to suspect any other to haue any hand in it.
Yarmouth, this 21 of the 8th, 1677.
This verdict was taken vpon oath this 29th of October, 1677, before mee.
JOHN MILLER, sworne.
JOHN RYDER, sworne,
Sources and Notes:
WikiTree collaboration for James Cleghorn/Claghorn –
FamilySearch collaboration for James Cleghorn/Claghorn –
From Mary Baker, 10 Mar 2019:
My ancestor is Probable SPOW #14 James Claghorn (various spellings); A few years ago I was in Edinburgh and visited the Corstorphine Trust in search of him, [ Corstorphine] I had read somewhere that he might have come from that parish.The baptismal records for Corstorphine have been entered onto index cards and I went through many Cleghorne et al. I believe I found #14, but no way to prove that it was #14, except possibly by comparing male descendants of James, Sr. of Corstorphine and male descendants of #14 in America. James Cleghorne of Corstorphine was baptized 7 Feb. 1638, son of James Cleghorne alias Smithfield (that is, formerly of Smithfield, a neighboring parish of Edinburgh). Assuming this is the right James, how old would he have been at the Battle of Dunbar? Perhaps he was born abt 1632? Archaeological research at Durham Cathedral shows that some of their soldiers at Dunbar were indeed very young . . . . . I think you already have rest of what little documentation there is: that he sailed on the Unity arriving late Dec. 1650; Sold (or more likely resold) to Bernard Lombard of Barnstable sometime in 1653 (secondary source only); Married Lombard’s daughter Abiah, 6 Jan. 1653/4; Had eight children, the first one born 23 days after wedding; Died Yarmouth, MA, Oct. 1683. Mary Beth Baker, Descendant/Researcher <>
The History of Martha’s Vineyard by Dr. Charles Banks:
Volume III Family Genealogies: pp. 80-87
Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York: A Record of …, Volume 1, pages 350-351. By William Richard Cutter.
- Stewart, George Sawin. The Bartlett Collection. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts. /george-sawin-stewart-documents/ [↩]
- Gerrard, Christopher M.., et al. Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650. Oxbow Books, 2018, p. 249. [↩]
- Stackpole, Everett Schermerhorn. Scotch Exiles in New England. 1922. Coll. 733 & 831, Collections of the Maine Historical Society, Portland ME. [↩]
- Rapaport, Diane. Working List of Early New England Scots. 2015. [↩]
- “Dunbar Prisoners of War Profiles.” The Scottish Prisoners of War Society, Teresa Rust, 18 Feb. 2019, [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1621-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1621-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- James Savage, ed., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1860-62), 1:388. [↩]
- Charles Banks, “Scotch Prisoners Deported to New England by Cromwell, 1651-1652,” Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 61 (1927): 28. [↩]
- Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet, and Pulsifer, David. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, in New England: Court orders [being the proceedings of the General court and the Court of assistants] 1633-1691. United States of America, Press of W. White, 1855., pg. 75. Google Books,,+Court+Orders:+Vol.+III.+1651-1661&source=bl&ots=kBhYL-egU2&sig=ACfU3U3jERVHCqGLaIVVoyh4uPnF2KErWQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqoqrEwqrhAhVMo54KHWH8AB8Q6AEwDXoECBEQAQ#v=onepage&q=gleghorne&f=false [↩]
- Ibid., pg. 93. [↩]
- “Barnstable, MA: Town Records, 1640-1793.” Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts. CD-ROM. Boston, MA.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2002. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009.) [↩]
- Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, Court Orders: Vol. V. 1668-1678 (Boston: Press of William White, 1856), pg. 16. Internet Archives, [↩]
- Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet, and Pulsifer, David. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, in New England: Court orders [being the proceedings of the General court and the Court of assistants] 1633-1691. United States of America, Press of W. White, 1855., pg. 81, 199. [↩]
- “Barnstable, MA: Town Records, 1640-1793.” Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts. CD-ROM. Boston, MA.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2002. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009.) [↩]
- “Barnstable, MA: Town Records, 1640-1793.” Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts. CD-ROM. Boston, MA.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2002. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009.) [↩]
- Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, Court Orders: Vol. V. 1668-1678, 249-250. [↩]
- “Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,” database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), James Claghorn, 29 Jan 1654; citing BARNSTABLE,BARNSTABLE,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm 0001250 V. 2, 0001250 V. 3, 0001251 V. 4, 0001251 V. 5, 0161967 V. 6, 0161968 V. 10, 0161969 V. 12, 0161969 V. 14, 0161971 V. 20, 0161972 V. 23, 0161972 V. 25, 0161973 V. 27, 0161974 V. 31, 0161974 V. 32, 0161975 V. 33, 0191968 V. 11. [↩] [↩]
- Cutter, William Richard. Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York: A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation. Volume 1, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1910, Google Books, [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook). [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Colonial Soldiers and Officers in New England, 1620-1775. (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2013). [↩]
- “Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : 5 November 2017), Simon Davis and Elizabeth Lumbert, 12 May 1725; citing Marriage, Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States, , town clerk offices, Massachusetts; FHL microfilm 947,061. [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- “Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,” database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Elizabeth Lumbart, ; citing , ; FHL microfilm 0001250 V. 2, 0001250 V. 3, 0001251 V. 4, 0001251 V. 5, 0161967 V. 6, 0161968 V. 10, 0161969 V. 12, 0161969 V. 14, 0161971 V. 20, 0161972 V. 23, 0161972 V. 25, 0161973 V. 27, 0161974 V. 31, 0161974 V. 32, 0161975 V. 33, 0191968 V. 11. [↩]
- “Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910,” database, FamilySearch ( : 9 February 2018), Samuel Read and Mary Davis, 1705; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 0873752 IT 3. [↩]
- “Rhode Island, Marriages, 1724-1916,” index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 08 Jun 2014), Joseph Davis and Marcy Smith, 02 Oct 1714; citing Providence,Providence,Rhode Island, reference ; FHL microfilm 914406. [↩]
- Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1621-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1621-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016). [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Cutter, William Richard. Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York: A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation. Volume 1, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1910, Google Books, [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, Court Orders: Vol. V. 1668-1678, 249-250. Internet Archives, [↩] [↩]