Battle: | Battle of Dunbar in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland |
Ship/Arrival: | Unity, Dec 1650 |
Prisoner and List: | |
Name Variations: | |
Residences: | |
Other SPOW Associations: |
Published: 02 Dec 2014
Updated: 09 Mar 2020
Researchers: Andrew Millard, Teresa Rust
Editor: Teresa Rust
John Bennett, #4 on George S. Stewart’s Captured at Dunbar list.
Name Variations: Benet
Family Migration: Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts to Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Contributed by Dr. Andrew Millard in July 2018:
According to, Christopher Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard, Richard Annis, and Anwen Caffell, in, Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650, (England: Oxbow Books, 2018), on page 248, John is categorized as: Probable [that he is a Dunbar prisoner transported on the Unity] Bennett, John. Residences: Boston? MA. Appears: 1657. A founder of SCS. [DR; SPOWS; Ch.7 & 8] For explanations of the category, abbreviations and references see List of Dunbar prisoners from Lost Lives, New Voices.
First Generation in the New World
1. JOHN¹ BENNETT, weaver, was born possibly in Scotland in 1632, and drowned at Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts on 15 Apr 1674, probably an accident while “driving logs downstream” to a mill. He married at Charlestown, in 1658/9, MARY COBHAM. 1 “Mary Bennett, widow of John Bennett” 16 Apr 1674. 2
Biographical Notes:
1. There are at least 18 John Bennett’s in Torrey’s marriages with several being in the Boston/Roxbury area and it will require some determined-detangling of the families in the area to decide who belongs to whom.
2.It does appear that the SPOW John Bennett was living in Charlestown in 1657 when he became a founding member of the SCS in 1657. He marries in Charlestown and his first children were born in Charlestown.
3. Founding member of the Scots’ Charitable Society in 1657. It appears that he may have stayed in the Charlestown/Boston area.
4. From Deference to Defiance, Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1629-1692, by Roger Thompson: John Bennett is found on pages 133, 134, 134n, 136n, and 154:
Page 133: Edward Wyer, Jr. [Edward Wyer was a SPOW, too!] and John Bennett [possibly John Bennet’s son] cut and carried wood…
Page 136n, Edward Wyer, Jr, 24, Scot, tailor; John Bennett, about 25 [in 1685], shoemaker.
Page 154, “found dead in April 1674, drowned.” “An Inventory of the Estate of John Benet, 23 May 1674” Left widow, MARY. Inventory apprised by William Johnson and Aaron Luskin.
5. “John Bennett of Charlestown, weaver, drowned in the river, 15 Apr 1674.”- Charlestown VRs

Children of John and Mary (Cobham) Bennett:
2. JAMES² BENNETT, b. at Charlestown on 31 May 1666; d. at Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island on 17 Feb 1729/30.
2. MARY/MERCY BENNETT, b. at Charlestown abt 1671; d. at Little Compton in 1756; m. at Little Compton, JOHN PECKHAM.
2. JOHN BENNETT, ?????, b. about ; d at Little Compton on 25 Jul 1752.
Second Generation
2. JAMES² BENNETT, (John¹), cordwainer, was born at Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts on 31 May 1666 3 and died at Little Compton, Rhode Island on 17 Feb 1729/30. 4 He married, first, at Taunton, Massachusetts on 12 July 1694, RUTH ROGERS, 5 daughter of JOHN and ELIZABETH (PABODIE) ROGERS. She was admitted to the Epscopal & Congregational Church in Little Compton on 14 Oct 1705. 6 She died 28 Apr 1725 at Little Compton, Rhode Island. (Rogers Family came on the Mayflower). 7 He married, second, at Little Compton in 1725, MERCY SIMMONS. 4 Mercy was admitted at the Espiscopal/Congregational Church at Little Compton on 24 Dec 1731. 8 Descendants of this couple are Mayflower descendants from John Alden.

Children of James and Ruth (Rogers) Bennett (1675-1725):
No children??
Children of James and Mercy (Simmons) Bennett:
Mayflower Descendants
3. i. MERCY³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), (twin), b. 10 Jul 1726
3. ii. JAMES³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), (twin), b. 10 Jul 1726
3. iii. JOHN³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), b.16 June 1728
3. iv. RUTH³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), b. 19 Oct 1729
2. MARY/MERCY BENNETT, was born at about 1671 and died in 1756. She married at Little Compton on ?6 Jun 1695/6 [19 Aug 1695] 9, JOHN PECKHAM. 10 Intention: “PECKHAM, John, and Mary _____, _____, 1695.” 11 He died at Little Compton on 02 Dec 1723. 12
Children of John and Mercy (Bennett) Peckham:
3. i. JOHN³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 27 Jun 1696.
3. ii. LYDIA³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 08 May 1698
3. iii. JOSEPH³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 18 Feb 1702 and d. at Little Compton on Oct 1780.
3. iv. MARY³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 03 Oct 1704.
3. v. MARGARET³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 30 Jun 1707.
3. vi. RUTH³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton in 1710. 13
2. JOHN BENNETT, b. about 1691; d at Little Compton on 25 Jul 1752.
Third Generation
Children of James and Mercy (Simmons) Bennett:
ALL Mayflower Descendants
3. i. MERCY³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), (twin), was born at Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island on 10 Jul 1726. 14, 15
3. ii. JAMES³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), (twin), was born at Little Compton on 10 Jul 1726. 15, 14
3. iii. JOHN³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), was born at Little Compton on 16 June 1728. 15, 14 and was baptised at the Espiscopal/Congregational Church at Little Compton on 14 Jul 1728. 8
3. iv. RUTH³ BENNETT, (James², John¹), was born at Little Compton on 19 Oct 1729. 15, 14 and was baptised at the Espiscopal/Congregational Church at Little Compton on 30 Nov 1729. 8
Children of John and Mercy (Bennett) Peckham:
3. i. JOHN³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 27 Jun 1696.
3. ii. LYDIA³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 08 May 1698
3. iii. JOSEPH³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 18 Feb 1702 and d. at Little Compton on Oct 1780.
3. iv. MARY³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 03 Oct 1704.
3. v. MARGARET³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton on 30 Jun 1707.
3. vi. RUTH³ PECKHAM, b. at Little Compton in 1710. 13
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Sources and Notes:

“JOHN H BENNETT. John Bennett (l) was probably the first ancestor in the Bennett line of John Bennett, of Worcester. He was born in England, 1632, and to judge from the number of Bennetts who came to America earlier he found numerous relatives in New England when he arrived there There is a tradition that he ran away with a Scotch peasant’s daughter, that he was the son of a nobleman, proof of which is afforded by his court dress said to be in the possession of one of his descendants. The family tradition that the family is of Scotch and English origin is probably correct. He was an inhabitant of Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1659. He was a weaver by trade. He was drowned, 1674, between R. Martin’s ship and a lighter. His widow Mary married (second) Richard Meade, 1678.”~ From page 198 in, Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts: With a History of Worcester Society of Antiquity, Volume 3, Lewis Publishing Company, 1907 – Worcester County (Mass.)
[S1] Ann T. [Revised by], (Originally compiled by Alice W. A. Westgate) Reeves, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1620: Family of Thomas Rogers (Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2000), p. 47. Hereinafter cited as Rogers-Silver.
Donated to SCS; “Bennett, John, Scots Charitable Society member Boston 1657. “From: Scottish Emigration to Colonial America, 1607-1785, page 36, by David Dobson, c 1994, paperback version c 2004.
Married at Charlestown, Massachusetts to MARY COBHAM.
From Deference to Defiance, Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1629-1692, by Roger Thompson: John Bennett is found on pages 133, 134, 134n, 136n, and 154:
This John Bennett may be the son of the SPOW.
Page 133: Edward Wyer, Jr. [Edward Wyer was a SPOW, too!] and John Bennett [possibly John Bennet’s son] cut and carried wood…
Page 136n Edward Wyer, Jr, 24, Scot, tailor; John Bennett, about 25 [in 1685], shoemaker.
April 1674:
Page 154 “found dead in April 1674, drowned.“
- “BENNETT, John (1632-1674) & Mary [COBHAM] (-1729), m/2 Richard MEAD 1678; ca 1658/9; Charlestown {Charlestown 78; Putnam’s Mag. 5:207; MD 20:40 (wrong)}” New England Marriages to 1700. [↩]
- Middlesex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1648-1871. [↩]
- “James, son of Jno. & Mary Bennett, b. May 31, 1666.” Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 [↩]
- Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants, 1700-1880. From Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1975-2015. [↩] [↩]
- “James (Benet) and Ruth Rogers, July 12, 1694.* [Bennet, P.R.21.]” Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 [↩]
- Rhode Island: Vital Records, 1636-1850. Originally Published as: Vital record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: First Series: births, marriages and deaths: a family register for the people, by James N. Arnold. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. [↩]
- Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants, 1700-1880. From Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1975-2015. [↩]
- Rhode Island: Vital Records, 1636-1850. Originally Published as: Vital record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: First Series: births, marriages and deaths: a family register for the people, by James N. Arnold. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Rhode Island: Vital Records, 1636-1850. Originally Published as: Vital record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: First Series: births, marriages and deaths: a family register for the people, by James N. Arnold. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. [↩]
- “PECKHAM, John (1672-1723) & Mary/Mercy BENNETT (-1756); 1695?, 1696?, ?6 Jun 1696; Newport/Little Compton {RI VR 7:70; Peckham 219, 225; French Anc.; Reg. 57:34; Austin: GDRI 111}”New England Marriages to 1700. Originally published as: New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. [↩]
- Rhode Island: Vital Records, 1636-1850. Originally Published as: Vital record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: First Series: births, marriages and deaths: a family register for the people, by James N. Arnold. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. [↩]
- Rhode Island: Vital Records, 1636-1850. Originally Published as: Vital record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: First Series: births, marriages and deaths: a family register for the people, by James N. Arnold. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. [↩]
- ALL BIRTHS HERE: Rhode Island: Vital Records, 1636-1850. Originally Published as: Vital record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: First Series: births, marriages and deaths: a family register for the people, by James N. Arnold. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. [↩] [↩]
- Rhode Island: Vital Records, 1636-1850. Originally Published as: Vital record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: First Series: births, marriages and deaths: a family register for the people, by James N. Arnold. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Company. [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants, 1700-1880. From Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1975-2015. [↩] [↩] [↩] [↩]