Battle: | Battle of Dunbar in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland |
Ship/Arrival: | Unity, Dec 1650 |
Prisoner and List: | |
Name Variations: | |
Residences: | |
Other SPOW Associations: |
Published: 15 December 2014, Updated: 03 Mar 2020
Researchers: Andrew Millard, Teresa Rust
Editor: Teresa Rust
John Toish/Tosh, #33 on the “Scots at Lynn 1653. Iron Works Inventory”1
Name variations: Toish, Tosh, Toysh
Similar names on the prisoners lists:
Toish, John. (IWI), Braintree, MA, Block Island, RI – Dunbar List
Mackendocke, Daniell. SD, NEHGR [MacKintock?] – John and Sarah List
Mackenthow, John. SD, NEHGR, Dedham, MA – John and Sarah List
Mackontoss, William. SD, NEHGR, Braintree, MA, Block Island, RI – J&S List
Macktentha, Cana. SD, NEHGR – John and Sarah List
According to Christopher Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard, Richard Annis, and Anwen Caffell, in, Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650, (England: Oxbow Books, 2018),2 on page 248, John is categorized as:
Definite [that he is a Dunbar prisoner transported on the Unity]
Toish [Tosh? Macintosh??], John. Residences: Braintree MA, Block Island RI. Appears: 1651. B.c.1629. D.1685. [Exiles; Banks; DR; SPOWS; Ch.7]345167
For explanations of the category, abbreviations and references see List of Dunbar prisoners from Lost Lives, New Voices.
First Generation in the New World
1. JOHN¹ TOISH, was born presumably in Scotland about 16298 and died in New England in 1685.
Biographical Notes:
1. He was on the Iron Works Inventory in Lynn, MA in 1653.1
2. I am still looking for a record of this John Toish/Tosh in Block Island, Rhode Island.
3. There is a Daniel Tosh (McIntosh) who settled in 1688 in Brookfield. He died in 1693 before August.9 His widow Mary Tash/McIntosh was killed by Indians in 1706.10 Could he be the son of John Tosh? Daniel married, MARY (_____). His widow Mary died between 18-31 Jul 1706 in Brookfield, Massachusetts. She created a will dated 18 Jul 1706, giving everything to Mr. Gideon Crawford of Providence at her death.11

By Massachusetts. County Court (Essex County) FREE Google Book

For additional help, please go to the Facebook Group.
- Stewart, George Sawin. The Bartlett Collection. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts. /george-sawin-stewart-documents/ [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Gerrard, Christopher M.., et al. Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650. Oxbow Books, 2018, p. 248. [↩]
- Stackpole, Everett Schermerhorn. Scotch Exiles in New England. 1922. Coll. 733 & 831, Collections of the Maine Historical Society, Portland ME. [↩]
- Banks, C.E. 1927. ‘Scotch Prisoners deported to New England by Cromwell 1651-2’. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 61, 4-30. [↩]
- Rapaport, Diane. Working List of Early New England Scots. 2015. [↩]
- “Dunbar Prisoners of War Profiles.” The Scottish Prisoners of War Society, Teresa Rust, 14 Apr 2013, [↩]
- Gerrard, Christopher M.., et al. Lost Lives, New Voices: Unlocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650. Oxbow Books, 2018. Ch. 7. [↩]
- “…John Toish, aged about twenty-four years…Sworn, 25: 11: 1653…” Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County …, Volume 2
By Massachusetts. County Court (Essex County), [↩] - History of North Brookfield, Massachusetts. Preceded by an account of old Quabaug, Indian and English occupation, 1647-1676; Brookfield records, 1686-1783 by Temple, J. H. (Josiah Howard), 1815-1893; Adams, Charles, 1810-1886, page 153 [↩]
- Vital Records from The NEHGS Register. Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (Compiled from articles originally published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register.) [↩]
- Hampshire County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1660-1889. Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2016, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives and the Hampshire County Court. Digitized mages provided by [↩]