Original List of Dunbar Prisoners Profiles

Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy; please independently verify all data.

Published: 14 April 2013
Updated: 30 Mar 2020
Researchers: Dr. Andrew Millard, Teresa Rust
Editor: Teresa Rust

Because the original passenger list for the ketch Unity, which transported about 150 Scottish prisoners of war captured at the Battle of Dunbar to the British Colonies in the New World, has never been discovered, the following list, updated as of 03 April 2019, is a compilation, of all of the suggested, but not necessarily proven, Dunbar prisoners of war sent to Massachusetts in 1650. The names below are compiled from the following three lists:
1. Dr. Andrew Millard’s list in, Lost Live, New Voices. (LLNV)
2. George S. Stewart’s list, 35 Scots at Lynn 1653,  Iron Works Inventory. (IWI)
3. George S. Stewart’s list Captured at Dunbar, (CD)

While some of the names below are found on “Dunbar” lists they are actually POW on the John and Sara Passenger List, hence they are POW from the Battle of Worcester. (J&S)

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Adams, James. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, Carlisle, and Concord, MA; yDNA Study
Agnew, Niven. (CD), 1659: Dover, NH; Maine, Believed to have died childless.
Anderson, Archibald. (CD), 1661: Lynn, MA; Believed to have died childless.
Archibald, John. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MA and New Haven, CT
Bank, John. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, Massachusetts
Barry, James. (LLNV), 1662: Kittery, Maine
Bean, John. (CD) 1654: Exeter, NH, see John Beme on the John & Sara list
Bennett, John. (CD), of Boston?, MA
Bogle, Alexander. (CD), of Boston, MA
Bohannon/Buchanen, John. (CD), John & Sarah, of Boston, MA
Bow, Alexander. (CD), of Charlestown, MA and Middletown, CT; yDNA Study
Bravender/Braband/Brebner/Brabiner, Alexander. (IWI), of Lynn & Wenham, MA; Prob. unmarried and childless.
Brown, Henry. (CD)Oyster River, NH, Wells, ME; (No known offspring)
Bruce, George. (CD), Woburn, MA
Bruce, James. (LLNV), Hampton, NH
Burbean/Burbeen, John. (CD), of Charlestown and Woburn MA
Burges, Alexander. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MA
Burgess, Robert. (LLNV), of Lynn, MA
Cahoon, William. (CD), of Taunton, MA, and Block Island, RI; yDNA Study

Canade/Kennedy. Thomas, (LLNV), of Scarborough, Maine
Chisholm, Duncan. (CD), of York and Scarborough, ME
Clark, John. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MA
Cleghorn, James. (CD), of Barnstable, MA
Cone, Daniel. (LLNV), of Hartford and Haddam, CT
Coombs/Comby, Allister(LLNV), of York, ME, and Portsmouth, NH
Cooper, Alexander(CD), of South Berwick, MEyDNA Study
Corser, Hercules. (CD), of Charlestown, MA
Daniel, Davey. (LLNV), of Oyster River, NH
Danielson [Daniels], James. (IWI), of Lynn, MA; Block Island, RI; Danielson, CT
Darling, George. (IWI), of Lynn, Salem and Marblehead, MA
Davison ‘ye Scot’. (LLNV), Died enroute from Boston, MA.
Denmark,Patrick. (CD), of Dover, NH and Saco, ME
Dill, Daniel. (LLNV), of York, ME
Douglas/McDougall, Alexander. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
Downing, Malcolm. (IWI), of Lynn, MA (Updated 24 Feb 2020)
Dowty [Doughty], Thomas. (CD), of Oyster River, NH; Salem and Malden, MA: Kittery and Saco, ME
Dunbar, Robert. (CD), of Braintree and Hingham, MA; yDNA Study
Dunsmore [Moore], James. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
Eager, William. (CD), of Cambridge and Malden, MA
Eaton, Alexander. (LLNV), of Lynn, MA
Elder/Elyer, Daniel. (CD), of Dorchester and Sudbury, MA
Emery, William.
(CD), of Lynn, Massachusetts
Fassett/McPherson/Mackfassy, Patrick. (CD), of Cambridge, Billerica, Malden, Concord, and Charlestown, MA; yDNA Study
Ferguson, Daniel. (CD), of South Berwick and Upper Eliot, ME
Ferguson/Fargison, John. (CD), of Ipswich, MA
Forbes (alias Forbush), Daniel. (CD), of Cambridge and Marlborough, MA
Forbes, James. (CD), of Hartford, CT
Forbes/Forbush, John (1). (CD)
Forbes/Furbush/Farbish/Furbish/Farsbush/Farbuish, John (2). (LLNV), of Salem and Marblehead, MA
Forbes/Furbush/Farbush, Thomas. (LLNV), of Boston, MA
Forbes/Furbish/Furbush/Forbush/Ferbush, William. (CD), of Kittery, ME and Dover, NH
Fresell/Frizzell, James(CD) of Roxbury, MA
Frizzell/Frissell, Alexander. (LLNV) of York, Maine and Salem, MA

Frizzell/Fresell/Frissell, John (1). (CD), of Braintree, MA
Frizzell/Frissell, John (2). (LLNV), of Falmouth, MA
Gibson, William. (CD)

Gordon, James. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
Gowen (alias Smith), William. (CD), of Oyster River and Dover, NH; Kittery, ME
Grant/Graunt, James (1)(CD), of Kittery, ME
Grant/Graunt, James (2). (CD), of York, ME
Grant/Graunt, James (3)  ‘the Drummer’, (LLNV), of Dover, NH; York, ME.
Grant/Graunt, James (4). (LLNV), of Dedham, MA

Grant, Peter. ℑ (IWI), of Oyster River, NH and Kittery, ME; yDNA Study
Grant, Thomas, (1). (CD), of Dorchester, and Rehoboth, MA
Gray, George. (CD), of Upper Kittery, ME; yDNA Study (updates in progress 24 Feb 20)
Gregory, John. (CD)
Grimes, Alexander. (IWI), Lynn and Salem, MA
Grimes, Henry. (CD)
Guthrie/Gutridg, Robert. (LLNV), of Braintree, MA and Block Island, RI
Hamilton, John. (CD), of Charlestown and Concord, MA; yDNA Study
Hay, James(CD), of Lynn, MA
Hobbs, Henry. (LLNV), of Dover, NH
Holmes/Holme/Homes/Hume, Thomas. (LLNV), of York, ME
Innes, Alexander. (IWI), of Lynn and Taunton, MA; Block Island, RI
Irwin/Erwin/Dulen, Edward(CD) (J&S)
Jameson, Andrew. (IWI), of Lynn and Boston, MA
Jordan, William(IWI), of Lynn, MA
Junkins, Robert. (CD), of Oyster River, NH; York, ME
Kelton, Thomas(IWI), of Lynn and Boston MA
Key, John. (CD), (J&S), see John and Sara List
Kidd/Skid, James. (LLNV), of Dover and Exeter, NH
Kneeland, John.
 (CD), of Roxbury and Boston, MA
Ladle/Luddle, James. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
Livingstone/Levingstone/Lewiston/Levestoon, Daniel. (LLNV), of York, ME. 
Livingstone, John. (LLNV), of Charlestown, MA
McCall, Duncan. (CD), of Salem, MA
McCall, James. (IWI), of Lynn and Braintree, MA; yDNA Study
McCallum, John. (CD)
McCallum, Malcolm. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
McClay, John. (CD)
MacCoon, John. (CD), of Cambridge, MA
McCoy, John. (CD), of Yarmouth and Satacket, MA.
McDonald, Alexander. (CD)
McDonald, Daniel. (CD), of Woburn MA
MacDonald/Mackdaniel/Mackneile/Daniel. (LLNV), of Newton, MA
McDonald, Dennis. (CD), of Boston, MA
McDonald, Neil. (CD)
McDougall/Douglas, Alexander. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
McDougall, Allan. (CD)
McFarland, Purdie. (CD), of Hingham, MA

MaGoon, Henry. (CD),  of Exeter, ME; Dover, NH, yDNA Study, (Updating now, TR)
MaGoon, John. (CD), of Hingham and Scituate, MA, (Updating now, TR)
McIntire, Malcolm. (CD), of Berwick and York, ME; Dover, NH
McIntire, Philip. (CD), of Lynn and Reading, MA; yDNA Study
McIntire, Robert. (CD), of Lynn, MA
McKay, Daniel. (CD),
McLachlan, Robert. (CD),
McLeod, John. (CD), (J&S)
McLeod, Mordicai. (CD), (J&S)
MacMallen, John. (LLNV)*****Residences
McMilan (Mackmallen), Alester. (CD)
McNair, Alexander. (CD)
McPherson, Angus. (CD), (J&S)
McRorie (alias McWithee), James. (CD), of Dedham, MA, yDNA Study
McShane, John(IWI)
McWater, William. (IWI)
Makiah, Daniel. (CD)
Mark, Patrick. (CD)
Marshall, John. (CD), of Boston and Braintree, MA
Mason, John
. (IWI), of Lynn and Boston, MA
Maxey/Macxy/Maxsy/Maxy, Alexander. (CD), of Ipswich and Wenham, MA
Maxwell, Alexander. (CD), of South Berwick and York, ME; yDNA Study
Merrow, Henry.* (CD), of Woburn and Reading, MA
Middleton, James. (CD), of Oyster River and Great Island, NH; Kennebec, ME
Miller, Games [James]. (CD), of Charlestown, MA
Mimy (Meany), Robert. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
Moody, Ingraham. (IWI), of Lynn, MA; yDNA Study
Moore, James
. (CD)
Moore, Mathew. (CD)
Morey, Walter. (CD)
Murray/Morrey, James. (CD), of Oyster River, NH
Neal, John. (CD)
Neill, Andrew. (CD)
Orr, James. (CD)
Parsons/Palson, Thomas. (LLNV)
Patterson, Edward. (LLNV), of Oyster River, NH, and ?New Haven, CT.
Paul, John. (CD)
Paul, William. (CD)
Philips, Charles. (CD)
Power, Walter. (CD)
Purdie, John
. (IWI)
Rankin, Andrew. (CD); yDNA Study
Rankin, John. (CD)
Reed, John. (LLNV)
Rose, Roger. (CD)
Rose, Tormut. (CD)
Ross, Finlay/Fennel. (CD), of Ipswich, Massachusetts.
Ross, George. (CD), of New Haven, CT and Elizabeth, NJ.
Ross, Gilchrist. (CD), of Ipswich, Massachusetts.
Ross, John. (CD), of Ipswich, Massachusetts.
Ross, Thomas. (CD), of Cambridge and Billerica, Massachusetts
Roy, John. (CD), (J&S), Probably the John BOYE on the John and Sara List
Runciman Andrew. (CD)
Scollay, James. (CD)
Sinclair, John. (CD)
Stark, James. (CD)
Stewart, Alexander. (1),
(CD), of Charlestown and Marlborough, MA.
Stewart, Alexander. (2), (LLNV)
Stewart, Daniel. (CD), of Barnstable and Edgartown, MA.
Stewart, Duncan. (CD), of Bradford, Ipswich, Newbury and Rowley, MA.
Stewart, Hugh. (CD), possibly Hugh STEWARD/STUARD of Falmouth/Yarmouth and Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts?
Stewart, James. (CD), not much known about this James.
Stewart, John. (IWI),  yDNA Study, of Lynn and Springfield, MA.
Stewart, William. (CD), (J&S), of Lynn, MA.
Taylor, James. (IWI)
Taylor, John. (LLNV)
Taylor, Robert. (LLNV)
Thompson, George. (IWI)
Thompson, James. (IWI)
Thompson, William. (CD), of Dover NH, Kittery ME; yDNA Study
Toish, John. (IWI), Braintree MA, Block Island RI
Tower, Thomas. (IWI), of Lynn and Reading, MA
Upton (Rubton), John. (IWI), of Lynn and Reading, MA 
Walter, Thomas. (IWI), of Lynn, MA
Warren, James. (CD), of Kittery, ME
Webster, James. (CD), of Boston, MA
Williamson, Duncan.
(CD), residence unknown
Wilson, Robert.
(CD), of Lynn, MA
Wilson, William. (LLNV), of Cambridge, MA
Wyer, Edward. (CD), of Charleston, MA (Updated 22 Feb 2020)